I am what I choose to become

Sigmund Freud thought that the memories of bad things that happened to us in our past (especially during childhood) could sometimes return to haunt us, messing up our lives. This Continue Reading →
Tools for Leadership in Times of Change
These posts contain extracts from the chapter, real-world examples, and other related material.
Sigmund Freud thought that the memories of bad things that happened to us in our past (especially during childhood) could sometimes return to haunt us, messing up our lives. This Continue Reading →
A time of change is bound to bring us unwanted emotions, such as anger, frustration, fear, and sadness. Our first response can then often be to want these emotions to Continue Reading →
The seventh building block that you can use to inspire yourself and other people to take action in this time of change is to define the first steps that are Continue Reading →
The sixth key ingredient for creating inspiration in this time of change is to say why your project or vision matters. When John F Kennedy announced that America would go to the Moon, Continue Reading →
The fifth ingredient for creating inspiration in a time of change is the ability to vividly describe the future you want to create. There are several ways you might do Continue Reading →
The fourth ingredient for creating inspiration and emotional engagement in a time of change is to show people they have a problem. At first glance this might seem like the Continue Reading →
In this time of change, your ability to create inspiration in yourself and other people is essential — both to attract people to your project and to inspire them to do Continue Reading →
A new study from Stanford Business School tells us something we probably already know: when people can’t predict what is going to happen they tend to become more cautious. Researchers Continue Reading →
In this time of change, your ability to create inspiration will draw people to you, motivate them to stay, and enthuse you all to deliver better results. There is no Continue Reading →
When everything is changing, your ability to inspire yourself and others becomes key. There is no one right way of doing this. But there are seven standard ingredients that you can Continue Reading →