In a time of change, when short term issues can seem urgent and important, thinking about your long term purpose and values might seem like a distraction.
But investing the time to find your purpose and values will bring you eight very practical short term benefits:
- Fewer Problems and Distractions
Winston Churchill once said, “You will never reach your destination if you stop to throw stones at every dog that barks.”
Knowing your purpose and values will show you which issues (or barking dogs) you can ignore, and this frees up time and resources to focus on what matters most.
. - Clearer Opportunities
Knowing your purpose and values also shows you which of the opportunities that come your way are worth pursuing and which to leave for someone else. Again, this helps you to prioritise your limited resources and time.
. - Clearer Outcomes
For the issues you do choose to engage with, knowing your purpose and values makes it quicker and easier to define the outcomes you want to create. Then you can spend less time and resources planning what to do and more time and resources doing what needs to be done.
. - More Inspiration and Motivation
People who know their purpose and values are able to keep going in the face of greater obstacles and uncertainty. Because the more you know what really matters to you, the more enthusiasm you have to pursue it, no matter what happens around you.
. - Better Results
The better you know your purpose and values, the better you can focus on creating the results that matter most to you, the more energy and enthusiasm you will have to do so, and the more likely you will then be to achieve those outcomes. Better inner clarity on purpose and values will bring you better results in the outside world.
. - Immediate Results
The future you seek has two parts: the outcomes you want to create and the way you want to live when you get there.
And by choosing to live in line with your purpose and values today you immediately achieve half your vision. You start to live now as if the future you want is already here. Now you can switch from planning and wanting to being and doing: manifesting the world you want more fully, day by day, starting now.
. - A Greater Feeling of Control
In a world of constant change, knowing your purpose and values enables you to choose how you respond to any situation. This puts you in control of the only thing you can control: yourself. This is true power: this is Inner Leadership.
. - More Freedom, Flexibility, and Adaptability
Seeing your short term goals as ways to achieve your long term purpose helps you to adapt better to changing circumstances: when something doesn’t turn out in the way you wanted, you simply find new ways to achieve your same long term purpose. This makes you more flexible to changing events and helps you recover faster from setbacks. That not only brings you greater freedom, flexibility, and adaptability but also more stability and continuity.
In a churning world, taking the time to define your long term purpose and values is a practical investment that will repay itself many times over.
It will also bring you another step closer to becoming antifragile: able to use change to become stronger and more valuable.
Which of these eight benefits would be most useful to you today? Will you invest the time to find your purpose and values?
Adapted from Inner Leadership: a framework and tools for building inspiration in times of change.
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(And remember: you can’t learn to swim just by reading about swimming, you also need to do the practice.)
Photo By Hernán Piñera via
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